
Flange bearings iron structural components Sleeves miter gear Washers spherical bushings brass components spacers cams latches pawls planetary gears sun gears pinion gears vanes rotors switch bushings bevel gear helical gear gerotor eccentric bushings slide covers triggers hammers disconnects sights

Ring Gears

Producing your Small Gears Faster so Your Machines Can Run Faster

Powdered metal ring gears will keep your machines running over standard materials.

Some of the benefits include:

•  Cost-effective manufacturing

•  High strength and durability well-suited for applications with demanding torque and load requirements

•  Customizability

•  Self-lubricating properties

•  Noise reduction

•  Corrosion resistance

•  Reduced weight


FormFast is a powder metal product manufacturer capable of handling all sizes and volumes of metal parts and components. With over 100 years of combined industry experience, we provide a process that can save our clients significant costs, while being customer-focused, always putting the customers’ needs first.

©FormFast PMT 2024